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A curriculum for a high school cyber security course.

Cipher Presentation

Based on our work with Ciphers, I would like each of you to research and present about one of the classic ciphers.

Your presentation should include the following information:

Historical context

When was this cipher used? Who used it?


How does the cipher work? Demo an encryption and decryption Is it symmetric, does the same process decrypt as encrypt?

Mathematical Analysis

How many possible keys or codes could there be? How would you attempt to decode this message if you didn’t have a key. What is the mathematical complexity to solve the code?

Computer code

Find a website or program that will encode using this technique Demo how it works. Is there any easy “decode” available?

Final analysis

Why did this stop being a useful code? What made it useful when it was being used? What are other interesting uses of this code or similar codes?

Your final presentation should be given to the class as a PowerPoint with visuals and supporting information. This is a big assignment so be prepared to answer questions and give a complete picture of the cipher, it’s use, and historical context.

Possible Ciphers:

Extended Learning

Many resources could be used to extend the learning of this unit.

Hacking Secret Ciphers with Python



Rumkin Online Cipher Tools


Cyber Security Curriculum Creative Commons License is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.