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A curriculum for a high school cyber security course.

Introduction & Ethics


Cyber Security is an increasingly in-demand field of Computer Science. In this course we will look at the major ideas in the fields of Cyber Security or Information Assurance. This is not a “hacking” class but we are looking at the ways that computers, programs, networks, and people are exploited by hackers and what we can do to prevent or minimize the damage caused by bad actors.


This activity will give students an opportunity to learn about a major hacking event in-depth and share with the class. This also serves as a way to get students in the class to speak and contribute to the discussion.

As a class looking at how computers are exploited, we will be learning a lot of skills that could be used to access someone’s computer or network without their permission. While all of these skills are easily learned on the Internet, it is important that we agree to respect private property and never access something without permission.


Students will be able to:



Teaching Guide

Getting Started

Class introductions Cyber Security overview Ethics Statement

Students need to understand that the material learned in this class should not be used to access files, networks, or other property that they do not have permission to access. Lack of security does not imply permission.


Look at several scenarios about ethical situations

Have students look at “Ten Commandments of Cyber Ethics”

Re-evaluate opening scenarios and describe why the ethical response is or is not appropriate.


In pairs, research one of the major hacking events of the past several years. In your research, identify several important ideas:

Compile this information into a presentation for the class.

Major Hacking Events:


Assessment Questions

Extended Learning


Cyber Security Curriculum Creative Commons License is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.