In our last lesson we setup a SQL database, now we would like to access that information in the database on our website. We will create sites using PHP that can display information found in a SQL database.
Modern websites use databases to store and manage information. We want to better understand the framework that makes the connection between a webpage and a database possible.
Students will be able to:
- Display information from their database on a web page.
- For the Teacher
- For the Students
Teaching Guide
Follow the guides on code academy for PHP and SQL.
- These will help you better understand how these languages work.
- Understanding the language will allow you to follow how the flaws are exploited.
Upload the ExampleForms.html and ExampleForms.php to your web server.
Verify that the information has been added to the database by logging into the MySQL server and typing select * from names;
Using a MySQL database in command line is not a very convenient way to see the info in a database. Upload the pullData.html & pullData.php documents to the server. Verify that they can display the contents of the database to a web page.
- This is not a very secure way to display the contents of a database.
- Is there a way to add authentication?
Add the pullDataAdmin.html & pullDataAdmin.php documents to your project.
- pullDataAdmin.html
pullDataAdmin.php Follow the Secure Viewing SQL with HTML.docx document to create a secure, password protected method to see the contents of an SQL database.
- This is not totally Secure.
- How can this form be broken into?
- What allows this type of from to be injected using a simple SQL injection?
Add the contact.html, contact.php, and messages.php documents to your project.
Add a table to your mySQL database called messages with columns name, subject, message. Test to make sure the contact.html/php will post to the database and that messages.php will read messages.
Now type a message that has some HTML in it. What happens in the message viewing center? What happens if you type a message like < script > alert(“Surprise!”) < /script >?
Now, make this whole thing secure so we can’t do this type of injection and need a secure log in to see our messages.
- How could your secure site be made truly secure?
- Why did the SQL injection work?
- How did knowing the protocols of SQL and PHP allow you to break the security you had built?
Assessment Questions
Extended Learning
- Buggy Web App
- Hacksplaining Lessons
- Bobby Tables
Standards Alignment
Indiana - CS3S-1.2 Indiana - CS3S-2.1 Indiana - CS3S-4.1
Cyber Security Curriculum
is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.