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A curriculum for a high school cyber security course.

Caesar Cipher


Students will explore encoding/decoding messages using the Caesar Cipher. Using a cipher wheel, messages will be encoded and decoded.


The Caesar Cipher is one of the best known forms of encryption. This signifies a change from encoding where a message was hidden with a set of substitutions for each letter to one where the only knowledge needed is a key to “unlock” the message.


Students will be able to:



Plaintext - a message or text that can be read normally Ciphertext - a message that has been encrypted so it is not readable in current form. Encode - the act of converting plaintext to ciphertext Decode - the act of converting ciphertext to plaintext

Teaching Guide

Getting Started


Paper craft Caesar Cipher wheel

Activity (coding):

Look at the Python file.



  1. How many possible keys are there in a Caesar Cipher?
  2. What level of security does this provide us? How difficult is it to break a message encrypted using the Caesar Cipher?

  3. TED Talk: Why Privacy Matters

Assessment Questions

Extended Learning

3D Printing: Print the Caesar Cipher ring to use instead of the paper wheel.

Standards Alignment


Cyber Security Curriculum Creative Commons License is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.