Encoding - Morse Code
TODO: Still need to come up with a few assessment questions
In this lesson, students will convert messages into a format that can be transmitted. Computers use encodings in order to transmit data and one of the earliest versions of this type of communication is Morse Code.
Teach about how plain-text messages can be converted into another format for the purpose of being transmitted. Text is not an ideal format for transmission across different mediums, especially using light or electrical pulses.
Students will be able to:
- Encode and decode messages in Morse Code
- Describe methods of encoding messages for transmission
- Print Morse Code worksheet
- Prepare message in Morse Code for students using audio conversion.
- For the Teacher
- https://morsecode.scphillips.com/translator.html
- For the Students
- http://www.learnmorsecode.com/
Teaching Guide
Getting Started
History of Morse Code (video)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNoOYeS0gs0 Discuss the need to convert text to another format in order to transmit
- Give the students the Morse Code Activity worksheet
- Students will encode and decode written Morse code
- Play an audio message and have students transcribe/decode
- Play a second audio message, this time have students use the Morse tree to decode without transcribing.
- Is Morse code still relevant as a communication tool?
- How is digital communication different than the electrical pulses
- Is Morse Code a secure form of communication? For a person? For a military?
Assessment Questions
Extended Learning
- Python Programming: Complete the Morse Code Translator
- Arduino: Push-Button Blinker
- https://circuits.io/circuits/5218082-arduino-morse-code-button-blinker
- Arduino: Auto Blinker
- https://circuits.io/circuits/5218209-arduino-morse-code-auto-blinker
Standards Alignment
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morse_code#/media/File:International_Morse_Code.svg https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/team-onyx/morse-code-translator-46e9b8
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